The dental aligners are orthodontic aligners made of transparent polymers. They are used in odontoiatry to align the teeth in an aesthetic and comfortable way and they are almost invisible once on.
They are small masks specifically made for the kind of defect to be corrected.
Adult patients are the receivers by election of this technique. The high aesthetic requirements, the easy use of the masks and the easy maintenance of a correct oral hygiene make the aligners one of the most indicated solutions to get rid of malocclusions and dental crowding in adults. Often, in the right conditions, they are also used for teenagers and children.
An in-depth visit and a correct diagnosis allow to work out a individual cure plan. The dentist will examine the case by a 3D program that allows to visualize in advance all the treatment phases necessary to move the dental elements sequentially. Once the patient gives his agreement, the masks will be prepared and the treatment can start. The patient’s cooperation is required for successfully completing the orthodontic treatment in the stated times and ways.
The treatment duration depends on the type of slight blemish to be corrected and on the patient’s cooperation in wearing the masks all the necessary time. Light dental crowding, requiring small movements, can be corrected within 6 months. The transparent masks are comortable and easy to remove to eat and drink, to wash one’s teeth and to use the interdental floss. They do not interfere with the pronounciation and are easily integrated in the buccal cavity with no troubles. They are very light and, when removed from the mouth, they must be accurately replaced in the dedicated box. The daily use is estimated in 22 hours out of 24, for their function to be assured. Every two weeks approximatly they are replaced by a new set of masks and the treatment is continued as long as the goal has been reached, then constriction masks will be realized to keep the obtained result.
After correctly positioning the masks, a light tooth tension will be felt, some patients could have a light annoyance, that will disappear as soon as the teeth adapt to the new mask. Possibly there is a light tension sensation every time the patient wears a new set of aligners included in the plan, but no trouble for the patient, who will quickly get used to it.
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