
CASI DI SUCCESSO: prima e dopo il trattamento

Foto prima e dopo ricostruzione del sorriso
Successfull cases

Smile recovery

The patient had worn out, non-aligned teeth and old metal dental crowns. Another dentist had applied composite veneers that did not meet the patient’s aesthetic requirements. The occlusal plane was

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Foto di prima e dopo di un paziente di dentista
Successfull cases

Realization of ceramic veneers

The patient had a smile with misaligned, worn-out and dyschromic teeth. Ceramic veneers have been applied on all teeth, thus assuring an amazing result as to function and aesthetics.

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Foto prima e dopo di un paziente di dentista
Successfull cases

Treatment of several problems

The patient came to our clinic with several problems: the need of an urgent therapy for a very serious periodontal disease with pervasive bone loss, the mobility of some teeth

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Foto prima e dopo di un paziente di dentista
Successfull cases

Smile restoration

The patient had an extremely asymmetrical smile, because of a conoid tooth and of a canine tooth in lateral position. We first carried out an intense whitening to recover the

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Foto prima e dopo di un paziente di dentista
Successfull cases

Dental whitening

The patient had several smoke stains and pigmentations on the teeth surface. After a professional oral hygiene sitting and an intenwhitening sitting her teeth shined again.

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Foto prima e dopo di un paziente di dentista
Successfull cases

Smile improvement

The patient wanted to improve her smile, that showed a dyschromic lateral incisor and a tooth covered by an uncongruous crown because in metal ceramic. Integral ceramic crowns have been

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Foto prima e dopo di un paziente di dentista
Successfull cases

Rapid dental whitening

This patient really wanted a shining smile! Here is a case of smile lighting application. The patient had a hygiene sitting and at the same time she received the rapid

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